Most popular baby names in England and Wales - see full list - Muhammad was the second most popular boys’ name, up from fifth ...
You see how different names have changed in popularity over the years by using our interactive chart. Making up the rest of ...
Noah and Olivia were still the most popular names for newborn babies in England and Wales in the latest figures. Both have ...
We have changed the way these statistics are published. We will continue to publish updated data for this release in our Baby names in England and Wales datasets but this accompanying bulletin has ...
Noah and Olivia were still the most popular names for newborn babies in England and Wales in the latest figures. Both have been at the top of their respective lists for some time. According to the ...
Noah and Olivia are still the most popular names for newborn babies in England and Wales. There were a total of 3,289 baby girls given the name Olivia in 2022, according to new figures from the ...
The annual list of the most popular baby names in England and Wales has been released by the Office for National Statistics ...