Five Americans were arrested in Turks and Caicos within the past six months because of tightened gun control laws in the ...
American Tyler Wenrich was sentenced to three weeks in jail and fined Tuesday after he had pleaded guilty earlier this month ...
Bryan Hagerich was one of several Americans facing a potential mandatory minimum sentence of 12 years in prison in the Turks ...
Tyler Wenrich, of Virginia, was sentenced to time served and fined $9,000 for bringing ammunition to Turks and Caicos.
Turks and Caicos, the tiny, beautiful islands that sit just south of the Bahamas and 600 miles from Miami, sure is getting a ...
A Turks and Caicos judge on Tuesday sentenced Virginia father Tyler Wenrich to time served and ordered him to pay a $9,000 ...
Tyler Wenrich, a 911 operator and EMT from Virginia , pleaded guilty to the charges on Tuesday and faces at least 12 years in ...
"A weight has been lifted off my shoulders and my wife, and I'm glad that I get to go home and be with my son again," said ...
Tyler Wenrich, 31, has been released and fined $9,000 after he was arrested for possessing two bullets in his bag in Turks ...
Two of five Americans detained for possessing a few rounds, Ryan Watson and Sharitta Grier, said their experience has bonded them.
Royal Caribbean cruise passenger Tyler Wenrich from Virginia freed after time served for ammunition possession in Turks and ...
The Virginia resident was fined $9,000, Kimo Tynes, the director of communications for the Government of the Turks and Caicos ...