Consumers don't need more recalls to worry about, but another one has been issued. If you love cup noodles, you'll want to make sure the brand you buy isn't on this recall list. Sun Noodle has ...
Over 37,000 cases of a frozen noodle product produced by the manufacturer Sun Noodle have been recalled after the company ...
A manufacturer has recalled over 30,000 cases of the noodle product after discovering traces of an undeclared allergen in some items. Over 37,000 cases of a frozen noodle product produced by the ...
Cucumber season is finally here, and I'll be slicing them all summer for crunchy sandwiches, refreshing salads, and spicy noodles. It's my favorite vegetable—if you ever run into me, ask me for 50 ...
Sun Noodle has recalled the S&S Cup Saimin Noodles with Soup & Garnishes (5 oz), which contain an egg allergen that could lead to mild to severe symptoms. PC: Department of Health ...
Want to save this post? Enter your email below and we'll send it straight to your inbox. Plus you'll get great new recipes from us every week! You can use a microwave to make cup noodles. However, you ...
Food recalls have become an inevitable part of being a consumer in today's world. Even companies that tout the best food safety practices may sometimes produce foods that present a safety risk to ...
TOPEKA (KSNT) – The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning people to check their cabinets for black pepper which could contain a dangerous organism. The FDA announced on Monday, June 3 that UBC ...
WAKEFIELD Trinity and Sheffield Eagles run out at Wembley tomorrow, with both trying to get their hands on the AB Sundecks 1895 Cup. It means Bradford Bulls' wait for an appearance at the national ...