WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Astronomers have searched for years for rocky planets beyond our solar system with an atmosphere - a trait considered essential for any possibility of harboring life. Well, they ...
Gas bubbling up from a lava-covered surface on the exoplanet 55 Cancri e may feed an atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide or ...
An Earth-size planet discovered around a nearby star offers astronomers their first chance for exoplanetary geology.
Researchers using global robotic telescopes discovered an Earth-sized planet, SPECULOOS-3 b, orbiting an ultra-cool red dwarf ...
Scientists at the University of Warwick say they have been part of an international team to discover a new new habitable Earth-sized planet. Working with NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA), they ...
Astronomers have discovered an Earth-size planet orbiting a red dwarf star, making just the second planetary system seen ...
Scientists have discovered a new Earth-sized planet only 40 light years away which could potentially support human life. The ...
Artist’s concept of Gliese 12 b with a thin atmosphere – Credit: NASA/JPL Caltech/IPAC by R. Hurt Scientists have discovered ...
Astronomers are abuzz with the recent discovery of Gliese 12 b, an exoplanet (planet outside our solar system) that’s ...
Chile's TRAPPIST telescope revealed two rocky planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system, starting a major astronomical discovery.
The New Science of Planet Hunting in the Cosmos, Lisa Kaltenegger discusses exoplanets, aliens, and how science mixes caution ...