The Israeli army raided several cities and towns across the occupied West Bank early Monday, arresting over a dozen more ...
Israeli forces have stormed several West Bank towns, while dozens of illegal Jewish settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque ...
Palestinian resistance fighters have engaged in fierce clashes with invading Israeli forces in the West Bank towns of Jenin ...
New arrests bring total number of Palestinians detained by Israeli military in West Bank to 8,800 since last October, ...
Israeli forces shot and injured three Palestinian men on Saturday during a military raid on the Balata refugee camp in the ...
The Israeli army blew up several Palestinian vehicles early Monday during a raid in the town of Kafr Dan near Jenin in the ...
Israeli forces have raided a militant stronghold in the occupied West Bank, killing at least seven Palestinians, including a ...
Israeli forces raided a militant stronghold in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday, killing at least seven Palestinians, ...
( MENAFN - IANS) Ramallah, June 2 (IANS) A Palestinian child was killed by Israeli army gunfire in the Aqabat Jaber refugee ...
A Palestinian child was killed by Israeli army gunfire in the Aqabat Jabr refugee camp, south of Jericho in the West Bank, Palestinian sources said Saturday. Palestinian security sources told Xinhua ...
Israeli forces killed on Tuesday at least seven Palestinians, including a doctor during a raid in the occupied West Bank, ...
At least seven Palestinians, including a doctor, were killed in an Israeli military raid in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday ...