SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - For the first time since 2019, California's groundwater storage has increased – a direct result of state and local actions to capture and store more water underground during ...
SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - For the first time since 2019, California's groundwater storage has increased – a direct result of state and local actions to capture and store more water underground ...
Remember the past couple of years of water cuts and restrictions for California wineries and vineyards, courtesy of several ...
California is a semi-arid state in which the availability of water determines land use, and in turn shapes the economy. That, in a nutshell, explains why Californians have been jousting over water ...
The likely impending cutback, if not disappearance, of a certain class of Central Arizona Project water supply is raising ...
Cover crops are planted to protect and improve the soil between annual crops such as tomatoes or between rows of tree and ...
FRESNO, Calif. — The most recent report from the California Department of Water Resources shows California achieved 4.1 million acre-feet of managed groundwater recharge during the 2023 water year.
Rafting in the Grand Canyon, March 2023. As the planet warms, low snow is starving the Colorado River at its headwaters in ...
Pasadena Mayor Victor M. Gordo joined U.S. Representative Judy Chu (CA-28) for a ceremonial check presentation today at the ...
A former California water official has pleaded guilty to conspiring to steal water under a deal with federal prosecutors in ...
Known for its glowing swaths of yellow, orange and red, the U.S. Drought Monitor has warned farmers, residents and officials ...