Watch as Russia launches a barrage of missiles and drones targeting energy facilities and critical infrastructure across ...
Russia launched a barrage of missiles and drones on Saturday that damaged energy facilities and critical infrastructure ...
Ukraine's national grid operator Ukrenergo said the attack damaged energy facilities in the eastern Donetsk, southeastern ...
Russian forces have launched a barrage of missiles and drones across Ukraine that damaged energy infrastructure in five ...
In a devastating series of attacks, Russia has once again targeted Ukraine’s power grid, marking the sixth major assault on ...
Russia launched missile and drone attacks on Saturday, damaging energy facilities in five Ukrainian regions. Ukrenergo ...
People in several regions of Ukraine have been experiencing power blackouts after the latest wave of Russian attacks on the country's energy infrastructure. President Volodymyr Zelensky said there ...
People in several regions of Ukraine have been experiencing power blackouts after the latest wave of Russian attacks on the country's energy infrastructure. President Volodymyr Zelensky said there had ...
Sky News analysis shows Russia has increased its attacks on Ukrainian energy systems in recent months, as experts warn the country remains "vulnerable" without stronger air defences to protect its ...
Russian forces launched a fresh attack on Ukraine, targeting Kyiv's energy facilities. Kyiv's officials said this was the ...
Mens 1.700 ukrainere evakueres efter russisk oprustning i den østlige del af Ukraine, har landet natten til søndag ifølge Rusland angrebet et olieraffinaderi i den russiske Volgograd-region med droner ...
Et ukrainsk luftangreb i Luhansk-regionen har natten til lørdag dansk tid dræbt tre, såret otte og igangsat en stor brand i en olietank. LinkedIn Instagram Facebook X (Twitter) ...