GENEVA (AP) — FIFA wants all 211 national federations to make racist abuse a disciplinary offense, and designate a crossed hands gesture by victims to alert referees to abuse. Soccer's world ...
FIFA will urge all 211 national federations to mandate racist abuse in soccer as a disciplinary offense, after months of consulting with victimized players including Vinícius Júnior. Soccer's ...
FIFA will urge all 211 national federations to mandate racist abuse in soccer as a disciplinary offense, after months of consulting with victimized players including Vinícius Júnior. Soccer's world ...
GENEVA — FIFA will urge all 211 national federations to mandate racist abuse in soccer as a disciplinary offense, after months of consulting with victimized players including Vinícius Júnior.
FIFA will urge all 211 national federations to mandate racist abuse in football as a disciplinary offence. Football’s world body also suggests “a global standard gesture for players to communicate ...
BANGKOK (AP) — FIFA will urge all 211 national federations to mandate racist abuse in soccer as a disciplinary offense. Soccer’s world body also suggests “a global standard gesture for players to ...
FIFA reveals promised anti-racism pledge and urges all soccer bodies to mandate abuse as an offense FIFA will urge all 211 national federations to mandate racist abuse in soccer as a disciplinary ...
På den forestående kongres vil Fifa foreslå hårdere straf for racisme, som kan ende med at koste kampe. Politikere raser over e-mail fra Folkemødet: »Det er en fuldstændig vanvittig tilgang at have« ...
Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile FIFA’s gravest crisis erupted with police raids at its annual meeting in 2015 and nine years later international soccer ...
På den forestående kongres vil Fifa foreslå hårdere straf for racisme, som kan ende med at koste kampe. Racisme i fodbold skal til livs med hårdere straffe. Det mener Det Internationale Fodboldforbund ...
På den forestående kongres vil FIFA foreslå hårdere straf for racisme, som kan ende med at koste kampe. Racisme i fodbold skal til livs med hårdere straffe. Det mener Det Internationale ...