Five Americans on a medical team in Gaza left early Friday. They fear for the patients and the doctors they left behind.
Battle wounds and grisly injuries don’t often faze Adam Hamawy. The 53-year-old reconstructive plastic surgeon and U.S. Army ...
Dr Usman Shah, a Pakistan-origin American doctor, visited Gaza earlier this month as a part of a humanitarian mission and has ...
Situation in Gaza … was already catastrophic and I think we’re starting to see evidence that it’s getting a lot worse,’ Dr. Tammy Abughnaim tells Anadolu - Anadolu Ajansı ...
Hospital dealing with 'back-to-back mass casualties' Al Aqsa hospital is dealing with "back-to-back mass casualties", Doctors ...
A South Bay doctor is home after getting stuck in Gaza. She knew the risks when she took on a volunteer medical mission to ...
Dr. Kamaci, pediatric surgeon who served in Gaza as volunteer, says there is severe shortage of medical supplies, with ...
A Bay Area doctor who found herself stranded in Gaza during a humanitarian mission is back home after being unable to leave ...
At the Elysee Palace in France, Joe Biden has appeared alongside Emmanuel Macron at a news conference. The US president ...
US military says much criticised floating dock will be able to deliver assistance to besieged enclave in coming days.
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Hamas has claimed an Israeli offensive that rescued ...