JERUSALEM (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday that a U.S. threat to withhold some armswould not prevent Israel from continuing its offensive in Gaza, indicating it might proceed ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said his country will “stand alone” if it has to in its war against Hamas – ...
US President Biden's threat to halt arms supplies to Israel amid tensions over Gaza has stirred debate in Israel, reflecting ...
Israel will stand alone and fight Hamas "with its fingernails" if it has to, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed Thursday.
President Joe Biden threatened to withhold from Israel key weapons if the Jewish state proceeded with a major invasion of ...
The 33rd Arab Summit convened in Manama, Bahrain, marking its first session in the city, concluded under extraordinary ...
Biden’s administration is violating US law by continuing to send military aid to Israel despite its war crimes in Gaza.
"The 'Gaza pier' is an incredibly stupid idea by Biden and more Americans will get injured or killed," wrote Sen. Eric ...
U.S. officials went on the offensive Monday after the International Criminal Court (ICC) filed arrest warrants against two ...
Israel intends to broaden its military operation in Rafah, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant told a senior aide to US President ...
Second bill would strip UNRWA of all immunities after its members joined the Oct. 7 terrorist invasion of Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu said the recognition of the State of Palestine by Spain, Ireland and Norway on ...