Albert Mohler called for a resolution condemning IVF. "Even in the state of Alabama there was lack of political will to stand ...
Jamie Heard of Birmingham began struggling with infertility more than a decade ago. But Heard birthed her son Legend in 2022 ...
When the Republican-dominated Legislature passed a bill in March to protect in vitro fertilization (IVF) services in the ...
The Southern Baptist Convention will gather for its 2024 annual meeting in Indianapolis starting June 11. Resolutions on IVF, ...
When the Republican-dominated Legislature passed a bill in March to protect in vitro fertilization (IVF) services in the ...
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — The recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling that frozen embryos are legally protected children is highlighting how support for the idea that a fetus should have the same rights as a ...
In February, Alabama’s Supreme Court ruled that embryos are human, triggering a political earthquake that erupted across the ...
Ever since a surprise ruling in Alabama, advocates for IVF have been apprehensive that the procedure could be threatened in ...
To bolster an even more conservative stance on the definition of life among a key evangelical Christian constituency, the Southern Baptist Convention will take up a resolution opposing in vitro ...
Unfortunately, many people are unaware when the Legislature is in session and what is being considered by those elected members.
The Southern Baptist Convention will gather for its 2024 annual meeting in Indianapolis starting June 11. Resolutions on IVF, non-disclosure agreements, and separation of church and state are on tap.
When faced with infertility, Amanda and Jeff Walker had a baby through in vitro fertilization but were left with extra ...