Researchers using global robotic telescopes discovered an Earth-sized planet, SPECULOOS-3 b, orbiting an ultra-cool red dwarf ...
ASTRONOMERS are confused about an unusual radio signal from a distant star 16,000 light-years away. The mysterious ...
Evidence of a "cataclysmic" collision of giant asteroids which took place just 20 years ago has been found by scientists.
In our ongoing search for alien life, astronomers have scoured the cosmos, longing for a connection… ...
Scientists from the University of Warwick have helped discover a new habitable Earth-sized planet– only a short 40 light ...
The depths of the ocean, a realm of perpetual darkness and crushing pressure, are often likened to the final frontier of ...
Planetary researchers announced a major discovery from the solar system's Red Planet on Monday – patches of water frost ...
A new study published in Nature Astronomy suggests that the solar system's passage through a dense interstellar cloud around ...
Swatch introduces three new MoonSwatch Mission on Earth watches: Lava, Polar Lights, and Desert. Available as per June 15, ...
An international team of scientists uncovered a new species of dinosaur in Zimbabwe. The remains of a 210 million-year-old ...
Of course, agricultural conditions on Mars, where it’s extremely cold and dry with precious little oxygen, are much more ...
Discovering new materials has historically been slow. Now artificial intelligence (AI) is making it possible to discover a ...