Die mit einem Symbol gekennzeichneten Links sind Affiliate-Links. Erfolgt darüber ein Einkauf, erhalten wir eine Provision ohne Mehrkosten für Sie. Die redaktionelle Auswahl und Bewertung der ...
There's an opportunity to save mobile gaming with quality titles, but Microsoft appears uninterested The world of mobile gaming needs a savior, a storefront that actually focuses on quality games ...
The landscape of mobile gaming is about to experience a significant shift. While the Google Play Store reigns supreme on the Android platform, a new contender is poised to enter the ring: the ...
Xbox Mobile Game Store operates web-based, not through apps. No games at first, the store will focus on selling in-game items & currency initially. When games arrive they will be first-party only ...
Microsoft is busy fighting it out in the AI arena with OpenAI and Google but soon the company is going to have a new battle on its hands. Microsoft is planning to launch its own mobile game store for ...
Microsoft will die angeschlagene Gaming-Sparte endlich wieder auf Kurs bringen. Allerdings dürften die Pläne nicht allen Fans gefallen. Mit dieser Entscheidung dürfte kaum jemand gerechnet haben.
Reporting by Paige Cook and Craig Chapple. Last week, Xbox president Sarah Bond revealed that the company would be launching the Xbox mobile games store in July. The marketplace is set to start on web ...
Sony is developing a PlayStation mobile platform to join the $90 billion mobile gaming market. A job listing hints at Sony's plans to expand beyond Fate/Grand Order by investing in mobile game ...
(Representative Image) Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass will take center stage at its annual video-game showcase on Sunday, as the software giant prepares to roll out the latest installment in its best ...
Epic and Steam = Massive reach and community. Ultra, Enjin, and WAX = Specialized blockchain support. With these points, you're all set to dive into the detailed breakdown of the best game stores for ...
Sei bereit für den Xbox Games Showcase mit der Xbox Series X (Certified Refurbished) für 469,99 € oder der Xbox Series S (Certified Refurbished) für 249,99 €. Der Preisnachlass bezieht sich auf den ...