President Biden's campaign announced this week that Vice President Kamala Harris will debate former President Donald Trump's ...
Vice President Kamala Harris has accepted an offer from CBS News to participate in a vice-presidential debate this summer, ...
總統拜登競選團隊5月16日表示,副總統賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)接受CBS News邀請,參加今年夏天的副總統辯論。CBS News提議的辯論日期為7月23日或8月13日。 前總統特朗普則尚未確定副總統人選,但幾 ...
Vice President Kamala Harris has accepted an offer from CBS News to participate in a vice-presidential debate this summer, the Biden campaign said Thursday. Harris accepted CBS News' proposed ...
Vice President Kamala Harris confirmed on Thursday she'll be participating in a July debate, and her camp made it clear the ...
Vice President Kamala Harris has accepted an offer from CBS News to participate in a vice-presidential debate this summer, the Biden campaign said Thursday. Harris accepted CBS News' proposed ...