FBI Director Christopher Wray delivers remarks during a meeting of the Election Threats Task Force at the Justice Department in Washington, U.S., May 13, 2024 (REUTERS) The rate of assaults on ...
SEATTLE — Seattle's Governance, Accountability and Economic Development committee may vote Thursday on legislation to improve the recruitment and retention of police officers. Council Bill ...
In an effort to fill over 100 vacancies, a new state law sets aside money to expedite training for Washington State Patrol recruits who are already certified law enforcement officers. A new state ...
The life of a police officer can change in a second when responding to a call. In 2023 alone, there were 378 officers shot in the line of duty, according to a report from the National Fraternal ...
A police officer in Nashville was terminated from his duty after a scandalous video of him groping an adult content creator's breasts surfaced online. According to a report in the New York Post ...
The rate of assaults on U.S. law enforcement officers reached a 10-year high last year, with 79,000 attacks on officers recorded, according to national FBI data released Tuesday. Sixty officers ...
On the fourth anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, we are re-running the letter USC DPS Chief John Thomas sent to his campus community addressing this tragedy and racism in America. Here are ...
Officer Sean Herman was fired Thursday for wearing his full uniform for a cameo in ‘Can’t believe he didn’t arrest me’, an X-rated video produced by a local porn star called Jordin, the ...
After a steep rise during the Covid-19 pandemic, preliminary data shows that drug overdose deaths in the United States ticked down in 2023 for the first time in five years. About 107,500 people ...
The Deputy Resident City Commissioner of Soroti City West has cautioned police officers against hiring out guns to criminals. Mr James Chemutai said some errant officers are being investigated ...
An Ohio police officer investigating a call of a disturbance at a home was fatally shot Saturday night in what authorities described as an "ambush" by an alleged gunman who was found dead Sunday.