LONDON (Reuters) - Google Deepmind has unveiled the third major version of its "AlphaFold" artificial intelligence model, designed to help scientists design drugs and target disease more effectively.
Preparing for a time when artificial intelligence is so powerful that it can pose a serious, immediate threat to people, Google DeepMind on Friday released a framework for peering inside AI models ...
DeepMind推出發現新一代藥物AI模型 助攻生物技術突破(圖:REUTERS/TPG) Google(GOOGL-US)旗下 Deepmind 周三 (8 日) 發布期人工智慧 (AI) 模型「AlphaFold」的第三個 ...
所有人都在找尋最有利的路線。Gemini是Google重要的武器,Gemini體驗工程研發副總裁阿瑪爾.蘇布拉曼亞(Amar Subramanya)接受《數位時代》獨家專訪,指出Google在AI技術最關鍵的2條賽道。
Google DeepMind 和 Isomorphic Labs 推出的 AlphaFold 3,在《自然》(Nature)雜誌上發表,可用於預測各種生命元素包括蛋白質、DNA 和 RNA 等等,讓科學家可以在分子水平了解生面奧祕,加快針對各種疾病的新療法的開發,有望徹底改變藥物發現和分子生物學。
Google Deepmind 執行長 Demis Hassabis 表示,AlphaFold 3 將是其技術發展全新里程碑,同時也象徵藉由人工智慧在生物學理解及建模跨出重要一步。 Google DeepMind 與同為 Alphabet 旗下公司 Isomorphic Labs 共同 ...
Microsoft Corp. introduced new software and computers infused with artificial intelligence features — stepping up its efforts ...
Google unveils six new Chromebooks under the "Chromebook Plus" category, featuring advanced AI tools, including a writing ...
STORY: Google-parent Alphabet is doubling down on AI. On Tuesday the tech giant unveiled a slew of new products and prototypes, including a beefed-up version of its Gemini chatbot. Company chief ...
Google I/O is an annual developer conference where Google shares updates and launches new products. Here's a timeline of ...