Das Thema ist derzeit besonders aktuell, weil sich die EU auf eine mögliche Welle von Desinformation im Vorfeld der Europawahlen im Juni vorbereitet. Beonachter befürchten, dass die Union auf ...
Ursula von der Leyen, Präsidentin der EU-Kommission, hat im Rahmen ihrer Wiederwahlkampagne versprochen, neue Kapazitäten und „Strukturen“ auf EU-Ebene zu schaffen, um ausländische Einmischung zu ...
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has promised to build up new capabilities and ‘structures’ at the EU level to battle foreign interference as part of her reelection campaign ...
China flute die Weltmärkte mit subventionierten Gütern zu Dumpingpreisen, fürchtet Deutschland. Es gibt einen Ausweg - ein ...
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has come under fire from Germany's liberal FDP (Renew) party, part of the ruling coalition, for her openness to a new EU debt-financed investment ...
Cyber attackers targeted European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s electoral website using bots, she said Tuesday evening. “My campaign website ursula2024.eu was attacked by bots,” she ...
Turning to other topics, von der Leyen assured Ukraine of her continued full support in its war against Russia, and called on European countries to invest more in defence. "We want a Europe that ...
Analysis Based on factual reporting, although it Incorporates the expertise of the author/producer and may offer interpretations and conclusions. Among the most prominent contenders for a Green ...
Europe is not in a trade war with China but still needed to reduce the risks associated with being overly dependent on the global power, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen has said.
Peter Liese, the EPP’s top green policy MEP, told POLITICO he was “not enthusiastic” about Spanish socialist Teresa Ribera’s campaign to run the EU’s Green Deal.