Guns stolen from cars bucked car theft trends overall – the rate of other things stolen from cars has dropped 11% over the last 10 years, even as the rate of gun thefts from cars grew 200%, Everytown ...
A number of cities in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and Rhode Island reported zero gun thefts from cars in 2022, while in Memphis, more than 3,000 guns were stolen from cars in the same time ...
The rate of guns being stolen from cars has tripled over the past decade, and in many cases the thieves didn’t have to work very hard to get their hands on another person’s weapon, officials say.
The rate of gun thefts from cars spiked across the nation during the ... “Safe storage is a huge issue for us,” Cathy Swerdlow, chairperson of the gun violence prevention team for the League ...
Over the last 10 years, the number of guns stolen from cars has tripled. Everytown for Gun Safety, a group that argues in favor of more gun control, released the report, saying that a decade ago, a ...
In April, Savannah’s City Council unanimously passed an ordinance making it illegal to store a gun in an unlocked car, punishable by up to 30 days in jail. Some 233 guns were stolen from cars here ...
Out of all gun thefts, about 25% were from cars in 2013 but in 2022 more than 50% of them were, according to Everytown. This graph compares the rates of gun thefts from vehicles in 2022 for the ...
and Georgia — the rate of gun thefts from cars is nearly 18 times higher than those in states with the strongest laws. “In many of these cities, high rates of gun ownership and laws that make ...
A crew of four broke into 20 cars and made off with 10 guns. The sheriff warns it's a prime source of guns used in crimes.
the rate of gun theft from cars is three times as high as it was 10 years ago. North Carolina has 10 of the top 100 U.S. cities for reports of gun thefts from cars. In 2022, more than 2,500 guns were ...
Montreal-area resident Zachary Siciliani discovered recently that his car had simply disappeared, likely in one of a rash of ...