As dog days go, it couldn't have been much worse for Dosha the mongrel. In one morning, she was hit by a car, shot in the head and put in a freezer for two hours. But the 35lb pit bull cross ...
Dosha, Vata, Pitta, Kapha impact traits. Ayurveda emphasizes balance through lifestyle practices, herbs. Imbalance leads to health issues. Consult practitioner for personalized recommendations ...
Trends in home decor, renovation, and even home choices for buyers and renters, follow cycles, as all style considerations do. In the current age of instant information, changes in these trends come ...
Selecting Dry Fruits According to Your Dosha Since Ayurveda categorizes individuals into three bodily types: vata, pitta, and kapha, it recommends dry fruits based on their predominant dosha for ... works for health and justice by seeking to end drug prohibition and its excesses, while positively impacting related issues. How We Work is a primarily US-based ...
Each dosha is unique, influencing our physical and emotional characteristics. When in balance, our skin glows with vitality, but imbalanced doshas can lead to issues like acne or dryness.
Please join KPFA at The Shotgun Players Playhouse in Berkeley on Monday, June 3rd at 7:00 PM when Liam O’Donoghue brings a sweeping history of KPFA as a rebel broadcaster, when he presents Rebel ...
It actually started early as I received dietary and lifestyle recommendations to reduce ama (toxins) and reset agni (digestive fire) so my body could readily accept the herbs in my dosha diet upon ...
Nazar dosha, also called as evil eye, is a belief system in many countries which states that a person can cause harm or ...
Nazar dosha, the evil eye belief causing harm through jealousy, affects Pisceans, Scorpios, and Cancerians. Their unique traits like compassion, intensity, and intuition make them susceptible to ...