Removing a long-time defense minister from his post is nothing out of the ordinary. Arresting five of his senior staff, ...
After his historic guilty verdict in his hush money case, Donald Trump attacked the US criminal justice system, making ...
Thousands of people in Ukraine's north-east are displaced as Russia steps up its offensive in the area, which started with a ...
Russia has begun probing the borders of Finland and Estonia for weaknesses as it draws up what Western security chiefs ...
Belousov has been tasked with overhauling the Russian war machine, following Putin's failure to secure victory in Ukraine.
Russian President Vladimir Putin will halt the war in Ukraine if Russia is allowed to keep the four regions it has taken control of, multiple key Kremlin sources say. “Putin can fight for as ...
Russian drones have swarmed over the Tuzly Lagoons National Nature Park — which sits near Russian bases in occupied Crimea — ...
Putin hints at risk of global conflict Putin warns West over Ukrainian strikes inside Russia President singles out European NATO members MOSCOW, May 28 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin, the man who plunged Russia into a war that has proved far costlier than he anticipated, is ...
Vladimir Putin must correct an 'historical mistake' by Lenin and Stalin, according to reservist tank commander Major-General Nikolay Plotnikov. He warned on state TV of the Kremlin invading three ...
Vladmir Putin appears far stronger now than he did at any other time since Russia launched a full-scale invasion into ...
Vladimir Putin is ready to halt the war in Ukraine with a ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines, four Russian sources have told the Reuters news agency. Three of the sources ...