One of the most fascinating, oddly serene horror entries of the year so far, precisely because it flips the mechanics of the ...
At a time when seemingly any pop culture figure of note can be afforded an insanely detailed, multi-part documentary, trying ...
Animation has long been a medium that conveys the power of dreams like no other, and Berger’s film continues that legacy of ...
While Oppenheim’s series sometimes feels a little over-directed and over-heated, that kind of makes sense for the world of ...
Stahl’s acting has always had a quiet power, communicating roiling emotional distress under an often vaguely menacing ...
The documentarian talks about putting together a movie that draws on his abandoned previous projects—and why filmmaking is an ...
Another standout in the Directors’ Fortnight section, Mahdi Fleifel’s “To A Land Unknown” shines a light on the plight of ...
The latest and greatest on streaming and physical media, including Criterion editions of Girlfight, Peeping Tom, and All That ...
Young Woman and the Sea doesn’t reinvent the genre in any way, but it keeps us engrossed for every strenuous stroke.
Set against the steadily revving engines and propulsive forward motion of the French motocross scene, Antoine Chevrollier’s ...
An article about the 58th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, running from August 20th through the 28th.
A surface-level dissection of another startup that intended to disrupt an industry, only to burn up in the atmosphere of its ...