Today, I’m thrilled to discuss monetizing your content, a topic that’s near and dear to my heart. With GetResponse rolling out a Content Monetization Platform soon, there’s never been a better time to ...
I’m sure you’ve heard the expression – “money is in the list.” And it’s true. Email marketing has a tremendous ROI, and we’ve got multiple case studies that prove it. What’s also true is that there ...
Online referral programs produce win-win outcomes for companies and loyal customers alike. Businesses gain new customers while a referring customer earns cash, credits, and discounts for a successful ...
Let’s start by defining what a lead is. A lead is someone who’s shown interest in your offer(s) and handed you their contact details so you can continue the conversation, for example, via email or ...
Health and wellness have become more than a trend — it’s a lifestyle. And people are turning to personal trainers in droves to help them achieve their goals. In fact, to keep up with demand, the ...
When it seems that social media rule the Internet, you might ask yourself, “Do I need a website?” The answer is yes, and I’m here to tell you why. In 2019, 70-80% of people were researching companies ...
Many small business owners have conflicted feelings about marketing. They know they need to be doing it, but all the different types of marketing and approaches to marketing can make it overwhelming.
I’m a big audiobook fan. Whether commuting to work, working out at the gym, or doing an evening walk around the neighborhood, I always listen to audiobooks. But while Audible’s catalog is impressive, ...
Want to increase your online presence and reach more customers? There’s no better way to do it than through your own website. The great news is that the process of building a website has become much ...
How do you create a simple yet effective website that captures your visitor’s attention without overloading them with information? The answer is to use a one-pager. One-page websites have become an ...