Mikel Arteta insists Arsenal’s “dreams are still alive” ahead of their final-day bid to win the Premier League. The Gunners, ...
Taiwanese MPs punched, kicked, pushed and shoved each other during a heated debate over a set of reforms in the island’s ...
The 55-year-old star married 52-year-old Jada back in 1997 and for years the two were regarded as having one of the strongest ...
A newly discovered river branch, concealed beneath desert sands and farmlands, is believed to have been used to transport ...
Social media is wondering if Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping tried to show off their nuclear power during the Russian president ...
A possible bug in iOS 17.5 has left some iPhone owners seemingly freaked out. Users said deleted pictures were restored to ...
Jason Erik Lundberg's teenage daughter attends a public high school in Singapore. He worries about the high level of stress.
A TikTok video of a Chinese man lamenting over ethnically Chinese Singaporeans rejecting their Chinese roots has reignited a ...
All of us are guilty of occasionally ignoring the piles of clutter gathering dust in our homes - the worn clothes collecting ...
Working from a sliver of tissue no bigger than a grain of rice, researchers have built an astoundingly complex map of the ...
A Chinese coercion campaign, likelier than an invasion and in some ways already happening, isn't something the US is prepared for, experts warn.
Aarav Chavda goes scuba diving in the same Florida reefs. A former McKinsey analyst and mechanical engineer, Chavda has ...