New details on an exoplanet just 55 million light-years away reveal how they form and their potential for life.
Jon Chase demonstrates why he would weigh more on Jupiter than on Earth! This clip will be relevant for teaching Physics at ...
The sunspot AR3664, which is about 15 times wider than Earth, has finally rotated out of our planet's view — but not before ...
Three dancers invoke the element Earth, dancing to classical music by Aaron Copland, Saint-Saëns and Karl Jenkins in animated ...
Nearly 2000 images were submitted for the annual competition, which aims to draw attention to the challenges facing Earth.
The Erigone family of asteroids are water-rich space rocks that provide a window into the solar system's past.
A new study suggests more solar radiation reached Earth while the magnetic field weakened, leading to a rise in oxygen that ...
In the nearly three decades since, the 39-year-old geologist has trekked into dozens of caves around the world: on islands in ...
Speculoos-3b, 55 light years away, is only second planetary system to be found around an ultra-cool red dwarf ...
Knowing when dinos evolved their stable internal thermometer could help scientists answer questions about how they lived ...
Companies are under pressure to disclose what, when and where they emit. Regulators are demanding information not just on ...
After the interview, Rivkin joined a crowd of scientists and guests to watch the mission’s finale on several big screens: As ...