Julie Hallet of Toronto's Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre led a study finding that when hospitals ... saw a three per cent reduction in patients' post-operative major complications, including ...
We have a long history of welcoming international students into the #LboroFamily and look forward to growing our vibrant and diverse community of students. The Graduate Route provides an opportunity ...
Mahnoor Cheema, 17, has an IQ higher than Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein - and has her sights on studying at Oxford University. After sitting 34 GCSEs she began sixth form in September ...
An X-ray of the pelvis of a 73-year-old female patient with a splintered fracture of the left superior pubic ramus (centre upper right) and a healing fracture inferior pubic ramus (centre lower ...
Internet access and use is consistently associated with positive wellbeing, a new study of data from 168 countries by the Oxford Internet Institute (OII) suggests. In many parts of the world ...
There is a speculation that migration advisory committee (MAC) — in its report of review of post study work (PSW) visa on May 14 — may discontinue the much sought-after visa that enables ...
A new study by skin experts in Tallinn, Estonia shows that human chronological age can be assessed with artificial intelligence (AI) examination of the dorsal part of the hand. They have just ...
In the initial modafinil pilot study, the study patients were noted to walk faster with modafinil treatment. [1] The current study supports the idea that by improving tone in cerebral palsy ...
It may also be a blessing for researchers like Gruber. Studying a Schedule I substance’s medical uses is no trivial task, often involving the kind of extra paperwork, additional security ...