Jackline Mairora sentenced to four years in prison by an Embu court for unlicensed liquor production and tax evasion.
Malawi's Vice President Saulos Chilima was killed in a plane crash, the nation's president said on Tuesday, after searchers ...
The Central Organisation of Trade Unions (COTU) Secretary-General Francis Atwoli. [File, Standard] Central Organization of ...
Uasin Gishu county has launched a modern maternity hospital in Eldoret, fully equipped with state-of-the-art equipment worth ...
First Lady Rachel Ruto commissions maternity hospital in Eldoret; West Maternity to offer maternal and neonatal services to ...
President William Ruto (right) and his predecessor, Uhuru Kenyatta. [File, Standard] President William Ruto has constituted a ...
A Member of County Assembly in Kilifi has been implicated in the death of a man in Mtwapa after chaos erupted during eviction ...
As the debate continues over whether the government has fulfilled the Presidential Retirement Benefits Act of 2003 for former ...
An aircraft incident at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) has caused runway closure, the Kenya Airports ...
Supermodel Naomi Campbell has opened up about her experience of motherhood as a single mum, revealing in a recent interview ...
A magistrate has declined to drop robbery with violence charges against former Kabete MP George Muchai murder suspects.
Former Raila Odinga’s aide Silas Jakakimba addressing journalists after voting during the UDA Homa Bay County elections at ...