A common type of ocean algae plays a significant role in producing a massively abundant compound that helps cool the Earth's climate, new research has discovered.
Expression of Gstt1 enables the cells to change the surrounding environment to support their growth. The findings could lead to new strategies to treat metastatic cancer and would be particularly ...
Researching the immune system in space could have payoffs for human aging on earth. Scientists have revealed how the lack of gravity affects the cells of the immune system at single cell resolution.
Using an advanced artificial intelligence tool, researchers have identified rare coding variants in 17 genes that shed light on the molecular basis of coronary artery disease (CAD), the leading cause ...
Virtual reality technology can do more than teach weaponry skills in law enforcement and military personnel, a new study suggests: It can accurately record shooting performance and reliably track ...
Researchers have revealed how the brain processes emotions related to sustained pain and pleasure. A team of researchers led by LEE Soo Ahn and WOO Choong-Wan at the Center for Neuroscience Imaging ...
Scientists have grown 'mini-guts' in the lab to help understand Crohn's disease, showing that 'switches' that modify DNA in gut cells play an important role in the disease and how it presents in ...
Researchers have demonstrated miniature soft hydraulic actuators that can be used to control the deformation and motion of soft robots that are less than a millimeter thick. The researchers have also ...
The research comprises two papers, one published in The Astrophysical Journal in April 2024, and one as yet unpublished that will be submitted to the same journal. The results will be presented at the ...
The exhaust heat generated by a fusing plasma in a commercial-scale reactor may not be as damaging to the vessel's innards as once thought, according to new research about escaping plasma particles.
Using tools of modern genetics, plant biochemists have produced a new high-yielding oilseed crop variety -- a yellow-seeded variety of Camelina sativa, a close relative of canola, that accumulates 21.
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a common cause of pain and joint stiffness. And while physical activity is known to ease symptoms, only one in 10 people regularly exercise.