The law office of University Regent Jordan Acker in Southfield was vandalized with calls for divestment from companies ...
Ruby Klawans/Daily. Buy this photo. In Paris, Texas, there’s an Eiffel Tower with a cowboy hat on top. It’s an imitation of ...
The Gaza solidarity encampment remained a constant presence on the Diag for nearly a month before the University cleared the ...
I have what I like to lovingly call a demolition dad. He regularly finds new projects around our house, making construction ...
If I ever decide to marry, my dream proposal would go something like this: My partner and I decide we’re ready for marriage, ...
i grew up with idlis, peanut chutney and milky swirls of cardamom and ginger. i grew up with amma asking me to watch as the milk slowly rose in her small steel pot. we called it masala tea in my house ...
As the most popular third-party candidate in decades, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. deserves a place on that debate stage. Regardless of his chances to win it all in November, his identity as an alternative ...
Protests are an important aspect of democratic systems. When people gather together to speak out against injustice and ...
Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World,” a new exhibit at the Hatcher Graduate Library, debuted on April 9 and ...
Researchers at the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute have created a tool that aids in discovering how neuronal ...
Prior to the 2020 presidential election, longtime Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away at 87 years old.
If you’re going insane like me, here are some things, from summer anthems to a hoop earring, that might mitigate your cabin ...