Paloma Faith has recalled a tense exchange with a fellow, unnamed coach on The Voice UK in her new memoir, MILF, in which he ...
Despite Depp’s new claim, it’s believed Hanks who was closer to the role than Cruise, with reports alleging he was offered ...
UK budget computer firm Raspberry Pi will price its shares at 280p, at the top of its estimated pricing range, in its initial ...
Interview: Craig Ferugson will have walked 1,000 miles to watch Scotland play the opening game of the Euros on Friday night, ...
Which means De la Fuente has a puzzle to solve, in addition to his choices on the flanks - where Spain have had a large ...
Figures show the rate of UK unemployment lifted to 4.% in the three months to April, up from 4.3% in the previous three ...
Watersports fans are being given the chance to “paddle under the Pennines” with canoe trips through the longest canal tunnel ...
The South Korean military fired warning shots after about 20 North Korean soldiers crossed their shared border, escalating ...
US-drafted resolution calling ceasefire ‘without delay and without condition’ passes as 14 out of 15 members vote in favour ...
In the Philippines, where colonial rule under Spain and later the United States endured for nearly four centuries, June 12 is ...
The policies trailed overnight include: a 100% relief on capital gains tax liability for landlords who sell to their existing ...