The parade of planets starts as two worlds come close and the Moon moves on down the line in the sky this week.
In the past quarter century, astronomical observations have led to discoveries that have literally transformed our conception ...
The phenomenon of a Full Moon arises when our planet, Earth, is precisely sandwiched between the Sun and the Moon. This ...
Scientists combing through data from the Magellan mission to Venus found recent lava flows and may have discovered active ...
The following is an excerpt from The Gravity of Math: How Geometry Rules the Universe by Steve Nadis and Shing-Tung Yau.
An astrophysicist explains how the Chandra X-ray Observatory detects X-rays to produce images of events such as black holes ...
In 2006, astronomers ‘demoted’ Pluto from a major planet in the solar system to a dwarf planet. But was Pluto snubbed? Our ...
This is how to see noctilucent clouds, ethereal displays of night-shining clouds that come out on long, warm summer nights.
An unusual old, hot Jupiter-like planet with a “puffy” atmosphere has been discovered in our galaxy, huddled around a distant Sun-like star. This gas giant, named WASP-193b, is now the second ...
This week, we have another beautiful conjunction in the morning sky as the Moon slides by Saturn and its magnificent ring ...