AI is everywhere, and the implications for your data management and datacenter infrastructure are profound. To keep up with competitors, enterprises will need to formulate a comprehensive strategy to ...
Microsoft's roundabout acquisition of Inflection AI, a developer of AI chatbot technologies, has drawn unwanted scrutiny from ...
Why: "Simply put, GUI operations are good for exploring and single actions, while scripting PowerShell is good for speed and scale." Find out more about TechMentor @ Microsoft HQ, taking place Aug.
Businesses operating within the EU must prepare to comply with the stringent requirements of NIS2. Failure to do so could result in significant penalties, highlighting the urgency for organisations to ...
The “Best Practices for Leveraging Microsoft Copilot for Security” report offers essential guidance on maximizing the security features of Microsoft Copilot for Security. Authored by BlueVoyant, a key ...
Together, SoftwareOne and the Red Hat® Ansible Automation Platform aim to deliver significant time savings on IT operations, enhanced productivity, and a boost in return on investment (ROI) by ...
Microsoft this week updated its licensing options in hopes to increase VMware users to migrate to Azure. The incentive is ...
Windows Server 2025 has hit the next milestone towards full release with the availability of a public preview.
Microsoft, OpenAI, Amazon and Google are among the 16 organizations that have signaled their willingness to police their own ...
Microsoft on Wednesday announced it is developing a converged platform designed to streamline risk discovery and remediation, ...
Why: "Intune has become increasingly valuable for managing and securing client devices. Systems management solutions, like most enterprise products, required on-premises servers and device agents to ...
Snooze for Email The first of the new features that I really like is a snooze option for email. The idea behind this feature ...