More trees, less asphalt
About 2.6 million public school students in California attend campuses with little or no shade, trees or greenery.
California is directly investing money for low-income students to attend college, but many don’t know the money is out there.
Advocates say some California schools are diverting arts money, while a college savings program tries to get the word out.
Arts education got nearly $1 billion through a California initiative but some say schools spent it in other ways.
Stubborn inflation is souring how Californians view the economy. It could affect this year's elections as families absorb higher prices.
CalVans gets California farmworkers to the fields safely, but now faces a state climate mandate to electrify its fleet.
California’s state politicians are determined to guard abortion rights, but some local officials want to limit them.
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Much of California's election results are already decided given the state's political leanings. The action will come from ...