While no one has a crystal ball to see the future, there are tools available to help you make an educated guess regarding your life expectancy. And that knowledge could help you avoid running ...
Rates of cancer in younger adults are rising. A dietitian specializing in cancer treatment shared tips to reduce the risk of cancer. Her advice included eating a plant-based diet and not eating a ...
This may feel like a big step, but it’s just another small lifestyle change that will help you tenfold. You’ll be able to use therapy as a tool to learn more coping strategies. Photo Credit ...
At Fodder Farm, in a remote valley in the central North Island, Rebecca and David Stewart have put their hearts and souls into creating an off-the-grid lifestyle for their family. They are four ...
Research suggests that a sedentary lifestyle can have a significant impact on our health ... and physical activity), researchers identified the ideal daily breakdown: Six hours: Sitting Five hours and ...
May 9, 2024 – Were you born with family genes that predict a short life? Fear not; it turns out that having such genes is not a death knell but an opportunity. In fact, new findings suggest ...