DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — An Israeli strike early Thursday on a school sheltering displaced Palestinians in central ...
The families of American hostages in Gaza say they are hopeful for a deal between Israel and Hamas that would bring their ...
The authorities refused to alter the route so as to avoid it passing through the Muslim Quarter and prevent the violent ...
Sonoma police cleared the City Council Chambers Wednesday night after protesters became disruptive when council members ...
Talks are still ongoing but the city, which has tried to move protests to Grant Park, says they now have enough information ...
By Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan Helmi Hirez has much to offer the world. The world owes him a permanent ceasefire, an end to ...
The annual march, part of Jerusalem Day, a national holiday, regularly inflames Israeli-Palestinian tensions. This year those ...
“Thank you for the trust placed in me.” Barak was one of four justices on the court who said the ICJ’s ruling that Israel cease operations in Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city, did not mean Israel ...
More than seven months after Hamas terrorists invaded Israel on Oct. 7, the Israeli military continues its bombardment of the ...
The Israeli military said it has started “operational activity” in two areas of central Gaza in a possible broadening of its ...
Officials in Hamas-run Gaza say stepped-up Israeli bombing kills scores as the threat of a full-scale clash with Hezbollah ...