Every once in a while life throws you a curveball, and you mess up. But hey, it’s not always a bad thing. These little h ...
Media professionals in Bekaa Kafra to return to the roots and visit the holy places ...
Relationships collapse or blow up for a seeming myriad of factors—affairs, ongoing arguments, abuse, feeling dismissed or micromanaged or not appreciated, or simply experiencing the steady ...
Intel reported the news on its blog, stating Aurora was now officially the fastest supercomputer for AI in the world. It shares the distinction in collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory ...
The Arkansas Legislature’s fiscal session seemed to come to an end Thursday, but with some confusion and uncertainty after the House did not pass the only remaining appropriation bill and the ...
There are times when marketing campaigns don’t work at all and businesses suffer from intense social media fails and other technical pitfalls. In spite of social media being an excellent channel for ...