Florida Sen. Rick Scott, a hopeful to be the next Republican Senate leader, is launching a massive ad buy to take the "real" ...
The Senate will vote on a bill to protect access to contraception today. The bill is expected to fail because it’s unlikely ...
Last week, Republicans in Congress introduced the IVF Protection Act. The claimed goal is to ensure that states do not ban ...
Senate Democrats are holding a vote to move forward with legislation designed to protect women’s access to contraception.
Senate Democrats are making a renewed push to show their support for ensuring nationwide access to in vitro fertilization ...
Senator Tammy Baldwin, facing a tough reelection fight in one of the races that will determine control of Congress, has made ...
The ruling from the court, whose nine justices are all elected Republicans, is the latest decision to uphold Texas’ abortion ...
The House Majority PAC is rolling out a $100 million campaign to bring back a Democratic majority in the House this November by focusing on abortion.
Five Democrats are running for their party’s nomination in Florida’s 13th Congressional District, based in Pinellas County ...
Republicans are increasingly optimistic they can end their four-year stint in the Senate minority and topple the incumbents ...
The fact that anti-abortion politicians and advocates are willing to outright risk — and more than likely sacrifice — ...
The Senate voted down a bipartisan border security deal on Thursday for the second time as Senate Majority Leader Chuck ...