The world's largest wildlife crossing, in Los Angeles, will allow animals to safely cross between the Simi Hills and the ...
Imagine if all the plastic bottles, bags, and packaging we toss in the recycling bin could be turned into an additive for ...
A Tesla driver is sharing a terrifying video of harassment from a pickup truck driver, who was rolling coal in front of the ...
A designer is transforming clean energy into a work of art by reimagining the structural features of wind turbines. According ...
One Redditor was 'pushing it as far as the HOA would go' by installing lavish garden beds along the edges of their driveway.
The Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency has a clever plan to control invasive species — and they'll pay you $100 to help.
One clever goat rancher has found a way to make environmental lawn care fun and affordable for everyone involved.
A young moose was trapped in a neighbor's yard until local police and wildlife officials helped with the moose's rescue.
Have you ever done something you thought was harmless that turned out to have drastic consequences? This Redditor has, and ...
In a world where walking is encouraged for our health, the pedestrian tends to take a back seat when it comes to actual ...
As more evidence emerges about the health and environmental impacts of PFAS, or forever chemicals, lawyers are warning ...