This text provides general information. Statista assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct.
Looking at Live Nation’s core business as a concert promoter, the company’s dominance is obvious, even at the global level.
Justice Department greenlit the merger between Ticketmaster Entertainment and Live Nation, letting two major players in the ...
Number of visitor arrivals to Israel aged 25-34 years 2015-2022 ...
With over 4.5 billion internet users worldwide, engaging in online videos and entertainment remains one of the most popular activities among users. Modern internet generations are increasingly ...
Potential application areas of AI in micro and small enterprises in Hungary 2023 ...
Television has long been an integral part of Americans’ daily lives. Although once the media center of the family home, TV’s role has changed as new devices entered the market and ...
The world’s largest uranium producing mine is Cigar Lake in Canada. Some 6,928 metric tons of uranium were extracted there in 2022. The second-largest mine was Husab in Namibia, with 3,358 ...
The global video game industry is a billion-dollar business and has been for many years. In 2022, the revenue from the worldwide gaming market was estimated at almost 347 billion U.S. dollars ...
Countries with new IDPs due to conflict 2022 ...