Following decades of decline, even fewer birds will darken North American skies by the end of the century, according to a new analysis. The study examines the long-term effects of climate change on ...
Researchers have demonstrated miniature soft hydraulic actuators that can be used to control the deformation and motion of soft robots that are less than a millimeter thick. The researchers have also ...
The exhaust heat generated by a fusing plasma in a commercial-scale reactor may not be as damaging to the vessel's innards as ...
Researchers have discovered that virus-like nanoparticles can promote the multicellular organization and reproduction of host bacteria. These particles, which are evolutionarily related to phages ...
Inspired by the material that makes up oyster and abalone shells, engineers have created a new cement composite that is 17 times more crack-resistant than standard cement and 19 times more able to ...
Clouds of gas in a distant galaxy are being pushed faster and faster -- at more than 10,000 miles per second -- out among neighboring stars by blasts of radiation from the supermassive black hole at ...
Using tools of modern genetics, plant biochemists have produced a new high-yielding oilseed crop variety -- a yellow-seeded variety of Camelina sativa, a close relative of canola, that accumulates 21.
The research comprises two papers, one published in The Astrophysical Journal in April 2024, and one as yet unpublished that will be submitted to the same journal. The results will be presented at the ...
Sepsis -- the leading cause of mortality in children around the world -- can present with a wide range of signs and symptoms, making a one-size-fits-all treatment strategy ineffective. Pursuing a ...
Researchers have discovered new variations of an illusion created when we see three rapid flashes in our side vision.
A new study has revealed significant progress in the drive to reduce levels in the atmosphere of chemicals that destroy Earth's ozone layer, confirming the success of historic regulations limiting ...
The researchers concluded that depression and memory were closely interrelated, with both seeming to affect each other.