The premature separation of a daughter from her family due to an eating disorder often has devastating effects on families.
Fear, vital for survival, can lead to anxiety disorders. Recent research uncovers the cerebellum's role beyond motor control, ...
While paranoia does not often fit the stereotype of a tin-foil hat, fear of the government is common. Paranoia requires a ...
New research published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour finds that AI models can perform at human levels on theory of ...
Even in the face of direct sexism, system justification may limit its harmful emotional effects, helping to explain why women ...
People have "sold their soul" in books, songs, and even real life. For a non-believer a soul is worth $0 — but how much ...
The dream of being an Olympian is lost before it's ever a reality because parents and coaches approach it wrong. Hear ...
Some people experience a persistent low-level depression that may last for more than two years, also known as persistent ...
Criticisms of evidence suggesting causal relationships between social media and mental health problems have some scientific ...
Twin closeness is inevitable. I have said frequently that twins are born married. Sharing psychological and physical ...
Being able to predict the future of your relationship may seem like an impossible task. New research gives you some solid ...
Integrating the reality of death isn’t just a challenge for our culture. It’s universal. In the Indian epic the Mahabharata, ...