Is misophonia neurological or behavioral? Genetic or learned? Understanding misophonia defies binary thinking. Learn how to ...
If it's been over a year since you lost someone, and you're still "not yourself," you may have prolonged grief. Here's what ...
Raymond, MA, has a master's in counseling psychology and a bachelor's in political science. She is the director of the ...
Sometimes, the most thoughtful and considerate action leaders can take is to go through difficult conversations rather than ...
Published in the December 2023 issue of Current Biology, recent research has demonstrated that psilocybin can significantly ...
With the urgent need for mental health solutions, psychedelic treatments are developed carefully, while underground ...
The vast majority of North American teens uses social media daily. While social media can serve as a way to connect, there ...
Eating disorder treatment is rife with sensitive and ethical treatment considerations. Adding telehealth therapy to the mix ...
To what extent does the way we exhibit our internal emotional state depend on culturally accepted and predefined display ...
The sports and fitness industry is bursting with pseudoscience, exaggerated claims, and outright fraud. Protect yourself with ...
Do you often feel emotionally exhausted when scrolling through social media? Practicing these four DBT skills can help.
Emotional intelligence involves awareness of emotions, emotion regulation, and effective communication. Emotional ...