BRUSSELS — Ursula von der Leyen is scrambling for a political deal that keeps her at the European Commission’s helm for the ...
Les partis qui ont progressé, ceux qui ont perdu des voix, quelle influence dans les institutions : POLITICO fait le point.
Belarus will participate in nuclear drills with Russia, its defense ministry said Monday. The exercises are a reaction to ...
PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron is expected to back Ursula von der Leyen for a second stint as European Commission ...
Many Bulgarians were surprised to discover that a hitherto unknown party called “Greatness” (Velichie) was on the ballot ...
PARIS — France woke up still hazy after a night of political turmoil which has put the country on a weeks-long period of ...
Maximilian Krah, the scandal-plagued lead candidate of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in the EU election, ...
LONDON ― The U.K.'s election was supposed to be about the economy. But it's turned into a battle of the bankers. Rather than ...
BRUSSELS — Europe’s conservatives are ecstatic. The European People’s Party (EPP) scored a clear victory in Sunday’s European ...
It’s been another action-packed day in store on the U.K. election campaign trail as Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer duke it out ...
EU decision-makers want to secure all their objectives, everywhere, and do it all at once. However, their plans don’t reflect ...
The Italian right-wing leader won the election in Italy, emerging well ahead of her rivals. That makes her, along with Poland ...