The gaming industry in Macau has witnessed a strong rebound since the pandemic, an industry expert pointed out today at the ...
American Gaming Association (AGA) CEO Bill Miller has highlighted the role of an adaptable and responsive regulation in ...
The Israeli ambassador to Japan has not yet been invited to Nagasaki’s annual peace ceremony, said city officials who instead sent the embassy a letter calling for a Gaza ceasefire. The city in ...
Six workers have been confirmed dead after they were hit by a freight train in northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province on Tuesday morning, according to China Railway Harbin Bureau Group Co., Ltd. The ...
The mayor of a town in western Mexico was killed on Monday, the regional government said, barely 24 hours after Claudia Sheinbaum was elected the Latin American country’s first woman president. The ...
Turin, Italy / Beijing, China, 4 th June 2024. IVECO, the brand of Iveco Group N.V. (EXM: IVG) that designs, manufactures and markets light, medium and heavy commercial vehicles, and Foton, a leading ...
《亞洲企業管治》是亞太區內最具權威及極具影響力的企業管治雜誌,獲獎的公司均在行業內具有領先及領導地位,並於過去一年在財務表現、公司治理、企業社會責任、環境保護、企業傳播及投資者關係等方面綜合表現卓越。本次「第十四屆亞洲卓越企業大獎」的其他獲獎公司包括:信和置業、 新鴻基地產 、新世界發展、中國銀行(香港)、 中國移動 、 中國電信 、中國聯通、中海油、中石油、中國通信服務等亞太區內知名企業。