Washington has lifted the ban on weapon transfer and training for Ukraine’s Azov Brigade, meaning the group will now likely ...
The video shows an SSO sniper with a night thermal imaging device targeting Russian soldiers on the move, the SSO says.
Dr. Andrei Illarionov, a Senior Policy Adviser during Putin's early period as President is frank in what strengths Putin ...
Russian telegram channels reported the downing of a plane in North Ossetia that had been involved in the bombing of Syria and ...
There used to be areas where warships of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet could sail, that the Ukrainians couldn’t hit – but they are ...
It won't be possible to overcome the crises in Europe with the far right, Die Presse warns: “An FPÖ victory in Austria, a ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday warned that pro-Russian rhetoric posed a growing danger to EU nations, as ...
Berlin recently gave Ukraine the green light to use German weapons against Russian targets, a decision previously avoided to ...
A Ukraine-Japan roundtable ended on a more promising note than expected – with the signing 23 memorandums in addition to the ...
The success of loitering munitions and kamikaze drones against armored vehicles during the war in Ukraine took most military ...
The Russian Defense Ministry announced on Tuesday, June 11, that Russia had launched the second stage of exercises with ...
Starting from one gigawatt in 2024, Ukraine wants to add 4 GW of gas-fired peaking generation capacity in the coming years – ...