Controversial law ‘on the transparency of foreign influences’ promulgated, the ruling Georgian Dream party promises to ...
Controversial law ‘on the transparency of foreign influences’ promulgated, the ruling Georgian Dream party promises to ...
Burmese army goes after gold traders and real estate agents; Malaysians ingest the largest quantities of microplastics; Body recovery operations in Papua New Guinea suspend ...
The arrest of Sorbatua Siallagan has sparked protests from indigenous communities, who call for his release. The case stems ...
The paper pays tribute to the victims on the 35th anniversary of the massacre. In an editorial, it cites an increasingly ...
In its biennial report, the National Economic and Social Development Council depicts a complex reality. About 40.5 per cent ...
Despite denials by the Jewish State, the use in raids against Hezbollah, especially against civilian targets and farmland, has been documented by pro-human rights associations and observers on the ...
The victory of the alliance led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is taken for granted, but in large and populous states such as Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh it was neck-and-neck for key seats. Even wi ...
A US-European coordination mechanism for the Western Balkans will specifically deal with the fight against information ...
During his visit to Tashkent Putin called Uzbekistan ‘the largest country in Central Asia’, despite Kazakhstan being six ...
In his message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees, which the Church will celebrate this year on 29 September, the Pope ...
The mob that attacked the victim on 25 May also set his home and business on fire. The rest of the family miraculously ...