Hard cash auction prices leave a fascinating breadcrumb trail on farm equipment values over time. Sometimes used equipment ...
Hard cash auction prices leave a fascinating breadcrumb trail on farm equipment values over time. Sometimes used equipment ...
Technically, Boddicker says the grain markets are oversold and could see a rebound at any time. "In corn it could be 10 to 20 ...
Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) won’t be commonplace anytime soon because its production is being hindered by significant ...
The House Ag Committee recently released and approved their initial version of the long-awaited 2024 Farm Bill, which ...
Grain and livestock futures ended mostly in the red on Tuesday. Vince Boddicker, Farmers Trading Company, says the mentality in grains as turned, especially with the favorable crop ratings.
When the four Hansen brothers came back to the small family dairy farm in Hudson, Iowa, which had operated since 1864, things needed to expand. So, in 2004, the family built its own on-site creamery ...
Soybean losses related to recent floods in Brazil’s southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul were estimated at 2.71 MMT, state ...
Grain markets see overnight and early pressure with planting still ahead of average and crop ratings for corn and wheat better than expected. Plus, outside markets were bearish. However, corn and ...
Grain markets see overnight and early pressure with planting still ahead of average and crop ratings for corn and wheat better than expected. Plus, outside markets were bearish. However, corn and ...
Is it early June or the middle of August? Because despite what the calendar might say, Mother Nature seems to be cranking up the thermostat earlier than normal this year. States such as Arizona, ...
USDA’s sweeping Swampbuster power over private land is conservation by coercion and therefore unconstitutional, according to a blockbuster lawsuit filed by Iowa farmland owner Jim Conlan. Swampbuster ...