An environmental lawyer’s frightening report from on the ground in Lahore: animals crumpling, waters rising, crops collapsing ...
LOUISVILLE, Ky.—City officials are taking their first public step toward cleaning up hazardous waste in a popular park after ...
NEW YORK—Outside the steps of her South Bronx apartment, Jill Hanson is thinking about the lack of green spaces as another ...
In the early 2000s, the Peruvian government granted a Canadian silver mining company a license to begin exploratory ...
In the early days of the pandemic, shipping activity around the world plummeted, casting an eerie quiet over once-bustling ...
Many populist, nationalist and far-right parties have attacked environmental, climate and clean energy policies during the ...
Mexico’s outgoing president put climate policy on the backburner. His mentee, incoming President Claudia Sheinbaum, talks a ...
Signal Hill Petroleum spent millions to overturn California’s landmark law protecting neighborhoods from oil drilling. Now it ...
In less than half a day, you could walk all the way around the 10 acres the endemic species Tiehm’s buckwheat calls home in ...
In a special address, António Guterres called out fossil fuel industry greenwashing and highlighted a new report showing the ...
One reason for the price decrease, other than falling prices for panels themselves, is that the supply of installers and ...
New litigation from state AG offices raises the stakes in court battles focused on fighting greenwashing and misleading ...