Analysis - Political parties the world over use slogans, icons, colours, names and flags to establish their political and historical credentials. What happens when two political parties lay claim to ...
Analysis - South Africa's seventh general election since democracy in 1994, set for 29 May 2024, takes place under circumstances different from any other election in the history of the nation. Some ...
Analysis - Debating Ideas reflects the values and editorial ethos of the African Arguments book series, publishing engaged, often radical, scholarship, original and activist writing from within the ...
There's a growing global movement to ensure that researchers can get access to the huge quantity of data assembled and exploited by digital operators.
Infection rates among incarcerated people are more than twice the national average. But behind bars, basic prevention tools are denied.
Kenya Airways has dismissed staff members found guilty of abusing the buddy pass privilege following a one-month suspension of the programme to investigate misuse claims.