SpaceX Starship is Elon Musk's Titan-size "space ark" designed to shuttle settlers to Mars, a new world sanctuary enabling ...
B, a spaceplane developed by Boeing and operated by the U.S. Space Force, is considered a possible military asset capable of ...
By Yaël Nazé, FNRS Astronomer at the Institute of Astrophysics and Geophysics, University of Liège Recently, a chill has ...
Space also should be used to intercept nuclear weapons. Merely holding out the possibility of a nuclear launch could be used ...
Microreactors promise climate resilience and military-tech might — but proliferation and pollution concerns linger ...
The expectation that maintainers would simply accept being doused in known, deadly chemicals and continue to carry out their ...
They obviously were heated because they’re a spherical piece of rock, so we think the asteroid was vaporised when it hit the ground because of the huge energy release, which is the equivalent of a ...
The stars will never be won by little minds,” observed the great science fiction writer Robert Heinlein. If we aren’t careful, though, they just might be won by the scheming minds of governments ...
It would have called on all countries not to develop or deploy nuclear arms or other weapons of mass destruction in space, as banned under a 1967 international treaty that the U.S. and Russia ...
Biden is protecting Iran and easing its path to a nuclear weapon.
An intensifying military alliance between Russia and North Korea could spell trouble for President Biden in November.
The U.S. accusation, which Russia denies, raises questions about how a satellite might be used as a weapon in low Earth orbit ...