Senator Tammy Baldwin, facing a tough reelection fight in one of the races that will determine control of Congress, has made ...
President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump were unsurprisingly poised to win their parties' nominations for ...
The House Majority PAC is rolling out a $100 million campaign to bring back a Democratic majority in the House this November by focusing on abortion.
Ohio GOP Senate candidate Bernie Moreno hammered incumbent Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown in a new ad focused on the senator's ...
The letter is signed by Johnson, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader ... day after the House approved the measure, along with a ban ...
The court on Friday unanimously reversed a ruling that had expanded the definition of what counts as a medical emergency ...
Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C) on Sunday appeared to dodge directly answering if he would push former President Trump to reconsider a ...
Last week, Republicans in Congress introduced the IVF Protection Act. The claimed goal is to ensure that states do not ban ...
The Texas Supreme Court ruled that the state's medical exceptions were broad enough to withstand a constitutional challenge.
It’s long past time to shine a spotlight on this outrageous scheme, and why it’s just plain wrong.
The Texas Supreme Court said a medical exemption in the state’s abortion ban applies only when a person is at risk of death or serious physical impairment, ruling Friday against women who sued ...